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We specialise in the translation of technical documentation. Our range of expertise includes manuals, books, contracts and proposals, system descriptions and specifications, data sheets, CAD drawings, scientific papers, medical documentation, business correspondence, software and more. We also manage the smaller parts of the job too often forgotten, including terms and conditions, enquiry forms, and autoresponders.

Our team of translators includes specialists with a wide range of expertise, able to provide precise and accurate translations of all types of technical material, related to any field. We will ensure that your projects are translated accurately and using current and industry-appropriate terminology.

We specialise in translating documentation of all kinds, including both text-based and graphical projects. Your project will be translated by a professional with experience in your particular industry, whether it be scientific, medical, engineering, or architectural. We are experienced with translating all forms of technical documentation, including manuals, contracts, tenders, software, blueprints, medical documents, books, correspondence, and more. We also organise translation of auxiliary documents, such as enquiry forms, automated replies, and terms and conditions.

We are able to translate technical documents between most languages, and our most frequently-requested languages include English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Arabic & Japanese.

Price & Time estimates *

500 words

1000 words

3000 words

5000 words

Best Value Service
(cheaper but slower)

3 days

3 days

3 days

3 days

Express Service
(faster but more expensive)

2 days

2 days

2 days

2 days

Super Express Service
(fastest,most expensive)

1 day

1 day

1 day

1 day

* Please note that the prices generated by the Instant Price Quotation are estimates, and are subject to change before your order has been verified and confirmed by our team. You will be notified of any amendments made to the quoted price.

If you require any further assistance, please let us know how you prefer to be contacted:
I wish to be contacted by telephone
I wish to be contacted by E-mail

For a free quote, go to our instant quotation page or submit an enquiry form.


If you are looking for translation work, we are always looking for translators of any language.
Fill out our application form for translators – apply today!


Thank you very much for quick job and explanation. The translation was perfect! ...

Urmas Saask , Vertuboutique, Shenzhen, China


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