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Translation jobs application form for native English translators and other languages


On this page you are required to give both personal and general information, as you would find on a CV/résumé.

Once you have completed this section (and have clicked ’Now let me tell you about my language skills’), you will be directed to another page where you will be able to give more detailed information about your working languages, specific qualifications, and past experience.

All information will be treated confidentially in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act. Translation Central (the company which owns operates an equal opportunities recruitment process.

Personal Details STEP 1/2

Note: Fields marked by an asterisk are mandatory fields.

* You must agree to our terms and conditions in order to register.

Yes, I accept. (part of Translation Central Ltd)

Terms & Conditions for Translation Central Contractors (Translators)

I. Conditions of Employment

  1. I, the translator, confirm that my role is that of an independent contractor, and I will act accordingly for all tasks assigned to me by Translation Express. I recognise that I am NOT an employee of Translation Central.
  2. I am to be held accountable for all services and products supplied by myself or the organisation I represent.
  3. Translation Express will NOT take any amount of my fees in tax, but will convey all relevant gross fees as required by British law. Thus, I hereby confirm that I, the translator, am responsible for all taxes on my gross income from Translation Central.
  4. I am in possession of all relevant stationery, paperwork, business cards and other required articles for functioning in this capacity.
  5. I accept that I am NOT covered under Translation Central’s insurance policies (including, but not limited to disability cover, worker’s compensation, sick pay, holiday entitlement, termination of employment, etc.)
  6. Translation Express are within their rights to terminate my employment with them at any time, with neither cause or additional obligation, aside from compensation of any amount due for services rendered by me preceding the termination date.
  7. In working for Translation Central, I am in no way infringing upon any prior agreement made between myself and a third party.
  8. After I have accepted a translation job from Translation Central, I hereby confirm that I will not attempt to reconsider the rate or terms of payment, nor will I attempt to demand any advance payment from Translation Express (unless it has been agreed beforehand).
  9. I understand that Translation Central handle payments via electronic means, specifically through Paypal or Moneybookers. I also understand that it is my responsibility to set up an account with Paypal or Moneybookers, as well as provide Translation Central with accurate account details.
  10. In the event of my contact details changing, I understand I am to notify Translation Central immediately. This includes both email and postal addresses, as well as both home and mobile telephone numbers.

II. Policy for Provision of Services & Complaints

  1. I hereby agree to adhere to Translation Central’ quality specifications and working guidelines when performing any assignment for the company. I also accept that I will complete all tasks accepted by me; and that my work may be reviewed, whether by Translation Central or a third party.
  2. I hereby confirm that upon my acceptance of the current translation assignment, I will ensure by all measures possibly that the finished work is returned to Translation Central on or before the agreed deadline. In the event that I cannot submit the finished work by the settled date, I accept that Translation Central reserves the right to reduce my agreed compensation by 5% for each working day it is delayed, up to a maximum of 100% of the due fees. If I realise that I will not be able to present the finished work on time, I must inform Translation Central at once, in writing.
  3. I agree that a project deadline can only be extended if agreed in writing with Translation Central, and only in extreme circumstances.
  4. If Translation Central deem my completed and returned work as in any way below expected standard or incomplete, they maintain the right to withhold and/or reduce my compensation without previous notice, in an amount corresponding to the level of inaccuracy/incompleteness. Further evidence that the overall quality of my translated products can result in Translation Central terminating their contract with me.
  5. I confirm that throughout any given assignment, I should liaise directly with a representative of Translation Central, and be ready to provide and outline of my services, should it be requested.
  6. I agree that all assignments undertaken by me should be sent (via email, fax or in person) to a representative of Translation Central, at the time and date stipulated by Translation Central at the start of the project.
  7. When using a computer for work for Translation Central, I will save ongoing work at regular intervals (Translation Central recommend every 15 minutes), as well as keep hard copies on a different computer, USB flash drive, writeable CD, etc. I should also retain 1 soft copy of the completed project for up to 15 days following the agreed submission deadline. I am completely responsible for any loss of work due to my own negligence, computer virus/trojan, computer theft or loss, power failure, or related technical issue.
  8. In the event that Translation Central consents to me directly liaising with the client for the clarification of my translation work, I will not engage in any discussion of fees, payment or salary with the client. If such a dialogue is initiated by the client, I can only refer them back to Translation Central and explain that I am not at liberty to discuss such matters with them. I also understand that civil action and the immediate termination of my contract will ensue if I attempt to poach any client of Translation Central.

III. Policy for Confidentiality and Information Possession Rights

  1. Translation Express regards confidentiality as an integral part of all aspects of its business dealings. I may not discuss payment and compensation for my services with agents from any other organisation than Translation Central.
  2. I recognise that during my freelance employment with Translation Central, I may be disclosed to confidential and/or sensitive information and documents. I hereby confirm that I will always uphold the strictest privacy and confidentiality concerning all materials that, whether by direct or indirect means, I am given access to during my association with Translation Central. I also agree that I will not misuse or in any way disclose any confidential information passed to me by Translation Central, at any time during or following the agreement of these terms and conditions.
  3. I understand that any information and materials passed to me by Translation Express are the property of Translation Central. I also recognise that it directly contravenes both the policies these terms and conditions as well as the policies of Translation Central to make any attempt to make contact with any client referred to me by Translation Central, unless I have been given earlier consent, in writing, by the management of Translation Express.
  4. I agree that I will not encourage or attempt to persuade any employee or contractor working for Translation Central, whether via direct or indirect means, to end his/her engagement or association with Translation Central.
  5. In the event that any materials that have been arranged by me during my work for Translation Central include information subject to copyright protection, these materials have been commissioned on demand by Translation Central and are deemed “work for hire”. If any of the afore-mentioned materials do not qualify as “work for hire” under applicable law, or include elements that are subject to copyright, patent, trade secret or any other proprietary protection of rights, I hereby consign all rights and interest in such materials to Translation Central. If I have any rights in the same, I hereby relinquish all enforcement of such rights.
  6. I understand that any failure to comply with this confidentiality agreement will result in disciplinary action, which may comprise legal consequences. If I observe another employee or contractor discussing confidential matters with anybody, I will report the incident to a manager or director at Translation Central.

IV. Miscellaneous

Legal Information

  1. In the event of any disputes, this contract shall be governed by, enforced and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Both parties agree to submit to binding arbitration in England and Wales. Legal costs shall be remunerated as determined by the arbitrator.
  2. This contract will remain in effect for 2 years following my final completed assignment for Translation Central.
  3. Translation Express is not required to offer me particular assignments or projects, and equally I am under no obligation to accept particular projects or assignments from Translation Central.
  4. Modifications to this contract may only be made in writing.
  5. This contract will come into full effect:
  • From the date it is signed, and/or
  • From my acceptance of the contract by filling in the Agreement Form forwarded to me by Translation Central at the time of their offer, and submitting it by email to Translation Central, and/or
  • From the moment I tick the box on the Translation Central website during the registration process.

Consent to Agreement

By completing and submitting the Acceptance Form to Translation Central, having received it from them upon the offer of a translation assignment, I hereby declare that I fully understand both the provisions and consequences of this agreement, and that I agree and will abide by the Terms and Conditions outlined in this agreement

The Company: Translation Central Limited
Registered Office: 65-67 Western Road, Intergen House, Palmeira Square, Hove, BN3 2JQ, England
UK Company No: 5089552 - Data Protection Registration: PZ8606215

Click here if you want to read it on a separate page.

* Title
* First name
* Surname
* Address
* Town/City
* County/State
* Postcode
* Country
* Email address
* Nationality
* Telephone number
Include your country and dialing code
Telephone number (mobile)
Include your country and dialing code
* Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue 2
(If you are bilingual)
* Date of Birth / /
Place of Birth (town or city)
* Country of Birth

Additional information

* Do you have your own computer to work on?




* Do you have your own internet connection at home?




Are you familiar with the following software packages?

Microsoft Word










Quark Express





Adobe Photoshop










Trados or similar translation software





Are you a member of any professional Association?





If this is the case, please indicate which association and current status:


Make sure all your information is correct.
You will NOT be able to go back after this.


Thank you so much for such a quick turn around. Receipt happily confirmed....

Penny Williams, Formpak Software, Abingdon, Northants - UK


Global CareVNU
EgenciaTransdermal is a trading name of Translation Central Ltd.  •  Company 5089552 (UK)  •  •  Sitemap   •  Policy Statement