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Frenquently Asked Questions for Translators


1) What are the minimum requirements translators need in order to apply to Translation Express?

  • We require that our translators have:
  • a minimum of 3 years of translation experience
  • a relevant college or university degree in translation
  • The following is also considered beneficial when being considered for a job:
  • the ability to work with translation software (e.g. Trados, Déjà Vu, etc)
  • membership to professional translation associations such as ITI, ATA, etc.

Proofreading and copywriting experience will, of course, also add value to your CV and increase the chance of being considered for more translation projects.


2) What is the application procedure?

Due to the large number of CVs we receive on a daily basis, we recommend that prospective translators apply online, at

By applying using this method, their résumé will be stored on our database, increasing their chances of being contacted.

When filling out our online application form, we strongly recommend translators to:

  • provide updated contact details and, if possible, an alternative e-mail address
  • indicate their current rate of pay
  • state clearly their language combinations and specialisations, if any provide full details of their translation work with dates, type of text, and volume of their translation work
  • mention if they are Member of Professional Translation Associations
  • mention if they are currently working with translation memories
  • indicate if they have experience in proofreading, copy-writing, interpreting etc.


3) How does Translation Express’s recruitment procedure work?

Our administration team will contact translators who applied online by email, asking for them to provide copies of their University qualifications, as well as contact details of two professional references. In some circumstances, we will ask translators to submit a short translation test for us.

If we are satisfied with the translator’s qualifications and experience, and if the translators fulfill our requirements, we will assign some translation work as soon as the opportunity arises.


4) What is the official employment status of translators hired by Translation Express?

Translators are hired as independent contractors, not as employees of Translation Express. Translation Express will not make any deduction from the fees paid to the translators. This means, amongst other things, that translators (like all freelancers) are responsible for all applicable taxes on their gross fees.


5) How does Translation Express choose a translator for a particular job?

Our Project Manger selects the best candidate depending on the project requirements.

Greater importance will be given depending on the translator’s specialist areas as well as their current availability. If it is specified by the client, preference will also be given to translators who are able to use translation memories, or are more familiar with relevant computer applications (Dreamweaver, Quark etc.).


6) What happens after a translation job has been confirmed?

As soon as a new translation job has been confirmed, the job offer is sent by email to the translator(s) who offer the most relevant language pairings and are familiar with the given subject (see above). This email contains all translation details, payment terms and the agreed delivery date. The job will be given to the translator who first accepts the job offer.


7) How much does Translation Express pay translators?

We do not have a standard payment rate for all translations. Compensation will depend on a number of factors, such as: combination of languages, technical nature of the document(s), turnover time, volume of the translation, and any formatting or logistical issues.


8) How soon can translators expect to receive their payment?

For standard projects, payment is processed 7 working days after the translation delivery date. The client has 7 days after delivery to raise any problems or issues they may have with the translation. If there are any problems, we may require that these issues are rectified before we consider the job as fully completed. If there are no problems, or once any difficulties have been ironed out, payment will be made 7 days after receipt of a valid invoice.


9) What is Translation Express’s policy with regards to late deliveries?

It is crucial that translations are delivered on time. Deadlines are decided beforehand and are emphasised in the job offer. In exceptional circumstances, deadlines may be extended, but this must be agreed with Translation Express in advance and confirmed in writing. In the event that translators do not submit the translated job punctually (and such delay was not caused by a '' force majeure''), a payment reduction will be applied, based on the length of the delay.


10) What is Translation Express’s policy with regards to inaccurate translations?

Whilst Translation Express will always try to provide the translator with any accessible information regarding the document to be translated (such as glossaries, further specifications from the clients, translating instructions, etc.), it is up to the translator to carry out any necessary further terminological research. Translation Express will help translators liaise with clients where more technical information is required.

In the event of an incomplete or substandard work being submitted, Translation Express maintains the right to withhold and/or reduce payment according to the level of inaccuracy without prior notice.


11) How are translators paid?

For UK payments, we generally prefer to pay via bank transfer (BACS). For USA payments, we pay by check or wire transfer.

W are also able to process payment via Paypal and Moneybookers. In exceptional circumstances (or when electronic payment is not available in a particular country) payment can be made via international bank transfer or a cheque in the home currency of the translator.

However, if the compensation for a single job is under GBP100 (or the equivalent amount in another currency), Translation Express will put the payment on hold and try to assign the same translator more jobs in order for the final compensation to be at least GBP100. If Translation Express fails to assign the translator other jobs within a period of three months, the payment will then be processed even if the value is less than GBP100.

In all cases, Translation Express will pay the sender's bank charges but the translator will pay his own bank charges in order to receive the money.


12) Is VAT included in the translator’s compensation?

With regards to VAT or sales tax, we pay on a freelance basis and will not pay any additional VAT or sales tax to translators. Translation Express is not currently VAT registered.

For more information, please take a look at this website:



Thank you very much for the translation. I am very happy with the service provided. Thank you again....

Alex. Chapman, ,


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